Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can't cry anymore!

We’ve all been in a place where we’re kind of on the verge of tears at all times. I’ve called that place home for the past, oh, six months. SIX MONTHS. Six months of shedding tears at the drop of a hat, for no logical reason. It’s gone on so long that it’s become normal and that is depressing (or is it “depression.” Probably a little of both.) I’m kind of sick of my emotions being so close to the surface but am not sure what to do…other than to just wait it out. How does one deal with a volume of grief that just seems to grow? Right now I’m trying to immerse myself in it by reading novels that deal with loss or sadness. My thinking is that maybe revelling in it will help, in a Zen way. You know, “BE the sadness.”

What would you do?


  1. Oh sweetie, I've been there. Read Pema Chodron's When Things Fall Apart. It will help, I promise!

  2. Ugh. You put into words what I'm feeling. I am trying immersion, too, only the positive kind. Watching Jane Austen love stories, etc. It gives me a combination of huge regret and weird hope.

  3. My real belief is that the only way to get out of feeling this way is to look at the big picture. By that I mean, look at the world. This is always the LAST thing a sad person wants to hear, but it works for me. It really does. When I question myself, when I feel real sadness for my life (which sometimes happens despite my outward appearance), it helps to see what is good about your life, what is lucky. There is so much pain in the world, and also so little time. This is not to say that we aren't allowed to feel sad, but at some point we need perspective. Pain will always be a part of life, but it isn't the whole of life. Thank goodness.

  4. If you get lucky enough to snag another guy, stop acting crazy. Don't do drugs, and give a lot of head. You might want to lose a little weight too. Walking a lot will make the depression go away.

  5. How's the immersion going? I'm going through something similar and have been debating whether to immerse myself in love stories or avoid them.
