Friday, April 2, 2010

The Powder Room: Intro

"Where Girlfriends-in-Progress go to freshen up."

Who doesn't need a relationship refresher every once in a while? It's so easy to fall into the rut of a comfortable routine when you've been together for a long time, and we all know that, "comfortable," is the arch nemesis of, "passionate." So every Friday - just in time for the weekend - I'll share a product, bright idea, or time-tested trick; something to get you out of that rut (and those ratty old sweatpants.)

Today's Powder Room feature is...

Reading. To each other.

I'm serious.

If you've never read something out loud to your SO, or been read to, you must try it. On the next lazy, drizzly Sunday afternoon, grab a bottle of prosecco and a book of poetry, short stories (even a magazine, or something a little more risque) and snuggle up on the sofa. Take turns. Laugh and discuss; talk about how what you're reading inspires you, and what memories it evokes.

I guarantee that this little exercise will leave you both feeling cozy, zen and closer, mentally. For some reason, a shared experience creates a more vivid sense memory, especially if you're reading something for the first time.

A few suggestions: For romance, the poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay or Rainer Maria Rilke. For sex, The Story of O. For laughs, anything by Bill Bryson or David Sedaris.

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